Jesus Sends Out the 72


Ask everyone:  Think of the best news you have ever received in your entire life.  It can be about winning an award, a job promotion, receiving a gift that you have been praying for, or anything that made you very happy when you heard about it.  Share this with your family and tell them why it made you happy.  

When we receive good news, we naturally want to tell others about it.  We want them to share in our joy and be happy for us.  And when they share their good news with us, we are naturally happy for them as well. 

In our story today, the disciples of Jesus already have the best news they could ever receive and Jesus instructed them to go and tell others about it.    Let’s read about it in Luke 10.


In Luke 10, we read that Jesus sends out 72 disciples to the different towns where he was about to go.  

2 “He told them,  ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

Imagine all the people around you - your home, your school, your neighborhood.  How many people among them, do you think, have found the joy of following Jesus Christ? There are still a lot of people out there who need to hear the good news of the Gospel, of what Jesus has done for us.  

And just as Jesus gave them authority to overcome the enemy, as believers, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel to others. We should not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the truth, that only through Christ can we be saved.

You know, Jesus loves us so much that He wants everyone to have a chance to hear the Gospel.  Do you have the good news of the Gospel in you? If you do, won’t you share it with the people around you who need to hear it? 


Parent to Kid

2-6 years old

Who are your friends? Is there anyone among your friends who still does not know about Jesus? Do you want to tell them about Jesus or invite them to church? 

7-12 years old

Are there people, aside from your family and friends, that God has placed in your heart and would like to share the Gospel to? What are the ways that you can start sharing the Gospel to them?

Kid to Parent

How do you share or exemplify the Gospel in your workplace? Was there a time that you shared the Gospel and the person did not receive it openly? What did you do?

It is God’s desire for all of mankind to be reconciled to Him. As followers of Christ, He has commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations. This means that we are to share the Gospel not only to people close to us, but also to those in our community that we are not familiar with (e.g. service personnel in school, friends of our friends, etc.), even our enemies! Remember when Jesus said to love our enemies?

Sharing the Gospel is easy when we are surrounded with people that have the same faith as ours. The challenge comes when we reach out to those who have no knowledge of the love of God. Sometimes we may feel shy or intimidated about sharing the Gospel to these people, but Jesus promises us that He has given us the same power and authority He had that will enable us to impart the Gospel to anyone who needs to hear it. When God prompts us to speak His Word or demonstrate His love to someone, do not hesitate! Jesus’ power and authority is with you every step of the way.


Dear God, thank You for the lives of the people You sent to share the Gospel with us. Thank You because they allowed the power and authority of Jesus to work through them. If it were not for them, we may have never known about your great love for us. Teach us to never be ashamed or intimidated in sharing the Gospel. Remind us that we have the same power and authority Jesus had to be able to share Your Word to others. In Jesus’ name, amen! 


Do you know one thing that God wants most is for all the people on the earth to hear the Gospel?  More than healing us from our sickness and providing for our needs, God wants us to receive his gift of eternal life so we can spend eternity with him.  Yes!  Think about it.  When God provides for us or when He heals us, we feel blessed.  But it is all temporary.  One day, we will eventually die.  But the gift of eternal life will last forever.  

Have you received this gift?  Do you know anyone who needs to hear about this? Pray about it and share the good news to them.