About the Material

In the midst of changing times and seasons, how can we serve faithfully and recognize God’s power at work in our own lives and in the world?

As God’s people and those who have experienced His faithfulness and power, we are to pursue His agenda and recognize His sovereignty beyond earthly kings and kingdoms of our time. This is the truth we stand on: God is sovereign, His purposes will not be thwarted, and His kingdom will continue to advance.

Our new series, Beyond Kings and Kingdoms, will be based on the book of Daniel. We will look at the lives of God’s people during a time of exile in a land. In a time and kingdom that does know God, let us discover how they stood firm in their faith and responded to different situations in a way that honors God and recognizes His power and sovereignty.

Join us in the next six weeks as we learn more about these topics:
Week 1: Remaining Faithful Even When the Situation is Beyond Your Control
Week 2: Trusting God Even When Speaking Up is Unpopular
Week 3: Taking a Stand by Faith Even When All the Odds Are Against You
Week 4: The Power of God’s Truth
Week 5: Faithfulness in Obscurity
Week 6: Outlasting Kings and Empires

May we continue to trust God wholly and act in faith, with our lives anchored in the gospel.