About the Series

Last year, we dedicated 2022 as a year of abiding in God’s word, discovering its power and beauty. It says in John 15:7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

Let us declare in faith that this year will be a year of God’s miracles, so that more and more people will find faith in Jesus, the Son of God. In our prayer, fasting, and consecration week and in our series, we will be looking at stories of God’s miraculous power in the Bible, which led people to know Jesus and believe in His name.

Join us in our time of prayer, fasting, and consecration from January 9 to 13.  Visit victory.org.ph/fasting2023 to download our devotionals, join our prayer meetings, and share your testimonies of how God has been miraculously moving in your life.

As we pray, fast, and seek God, may we be expectant for His miracles in our lives and in those around us so that others may know Him, believe Him, and find life in His name.

We hope you can also join us as we learn more about these topics in the our seven-week series:

• Week 1: Turning Water into Wine (January 8)

• Week 2: Healing the Official’s Son (January 15)

• Week 3: Healing the Paralyzed Man (January 22)

• Week 4: Feeding the 5,000 (January 29)

• Week 5: Walking on Water (February 5)

• Week 6: Healing the Man Born Blind (February 12) 

• Week 7: Raising Lazarus from the Dead (February 19)